Apple Swift error

Hi good morning, i receive this error when i try to upload the app to app store, i use transporter to upload the app to apple store, and give me this errors.

ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.

Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to make you aware of them:

ITMS-90725: SDK version issue - This app was built with the iOS 16.2 SDK. Starting April 29, 2024, all iOS and iPadOS apps must be built with the iOS 17 SDK or later, included in Xcode 15 or later, in order to be uploaded to App Store Connect or submitted for distribution.


You are trying to upload the AdHoc application to the AppStore. You need to build your app for the AppStore.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 113537

yes i upload the AdHoc, if i try to AppleStore, the software tell me that i need to pay.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 08.16.40

If you want to publish an ios app on app store you
1.need a deveveloper account at apple: costs 90$/year
2.move to flipabits paid plan; 28$/month

It is not possible to create an app free even for personal use. The only way to use your apps for free ,only on your own device, is via the testflight app.
Read here:

oh ok ok thanks. i will take a look to that

i pay 36$ and i receive the same error, any help ?

This is what i receive from apple.

the mail with the paid account is
[email protected]
if you want to verify the account

ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it.

Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to make you aware of them:

ITMS-90725: SDK version issue - This app was built with the iOS 16.2 SDK. Starting April 29, 2024, all iOS and iPadOS apps must be built with the iOS 17 SDK or later, included in Xcode 15 or later, in order to be uploaded to App Store Connect or submitted for distribution.

Apple Developer Relations

and if you ask me, yes i paid the 99 for apple developer.

We are checking it now.

Are you uploading a file rebuilt for the AppStore?

yes, thats right, :smiley: :smiley:

hi there, any news about that error?

what is thiss app for ? thx

@Michael the app for android flipabit to test, is not working, and i try today to build again for ios and same error, :frowning:

Flipabit Companion app for Android not working? Could you share a screenshot of the error?

when i open the app, the app does not open at all, one question about the error with apple any news? because i dont receive any answer


hi, its 3 weeks for now, we have any news about that error? i made rebuild file for appsotre, i try with .ipa and nothing,

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the problems. We still can’t reproduce this bug. In the coming days there will be an update affecting the build for iOS, the bug will probably be fixed. If you need a refund for your subscription, please email on [email protected]

Have you tried using the App Store Connect API that automatically uploads the application to the store?


yep, i try that too and no help, nope i dont want a refund, because i want to get up the app to app store,

h, we have any news about this bug ?


The patch for iOS will be released tomorrow.

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