The application crashes when selecting the Video tab in the camera
(this is a webview application)
Происходит краш приложения при выборе вкладки Видео в камере
(это вебвью приложение)
Происходит краш приложения при выборе вкладки Видео в камере
(это вебвью приложение)
Could you send your project file. Are you testing it on iOS?
Yes, it happens on iOS.
There is no error on the emulator, it only shows up on the device.
I have attached the project file, video where the error occurs and a link to Testflight.
VQ-11.pma (1.5 MB)
Video: RPReplay_Final1645083967.MP4 - Google Drive
Testflight: Join the VQ Club beta - TestFlight - Apple
This works for me. What device do you have and what version of iOS?
I have iOS version 15.2.1
and also tested on 14.4 (video)
Application assembly version in Testflight 1.0 (1.0.66)
In the latest assembly 1.0(71), this problem is not present, since it is on Xcode.
Apple’s review also showed this bug:
Sorry, the video is different:
Ok. We’ll check it now.
Also Apple support mentions that crash occurs on “tapped on the Video feature”. Where to click in your application?
Yes, that’s right.
When you select the Registration item in the menu, the field where the profile photo is selected, switching from photo to video
In this video, I tried to indicate in more detail where to click
We were able to reproduce the error and will check it. Although you really need to upload a video from the camera when registering?
No, video is not required for registration. It’s just that the bug itself and the crash of the application when choosing to record a video does not allow publishing to the AppStore.