Bluetooth, BLE Beacons, Access components output

Can you please show how to take the input from a sensor (bluetooth in this case) and then use it in an action.

We are making an app for a museum where each artwork has a BLE beacon with a UUID.
When the UUID is detected it is fed into the app and matched to an artwork in the database where more information will be displayed.

Check this example bluetooth_action.pma (8.3 KB)

When a device is detected, its name is set to the “new device” widget. Then you can check the name and take action using the text check condition.


Run this example in Flipabit Companion app for Android

Check it out for your Bluetooth devices. If everything is ok, I will send you an example of how to link it to the database.

Hi Michael, i am interested in this example of how to link it to the database, can you please send me the link in PM if that is ok.


Have you checked this example bluetooth_action.pma? Do you get the device name?

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