Button Interactive

Hallo, wie kann ich mit 1 Button einen anderen Button Active schalten. Siehe Project.

Button Active.flp (5.5 KB)

Hello! Your project to activate the inactive button is updated to solve the issue. But I would like to know , how you did the second button inactive when project is loaded. I am unable to find how it is made inactive.
Button Active - solved.flp (5.7 KB)

Vielen Dank. Anbei ein Video für die Schaltfläche zum deaktivieren.

Hier mal noch eine bessere Variante.

Button Active - solved.flp (5.7 KB)

Very nice alternative approach. Thank you very much for your reply. One of our forum
member has raised this issue. I hope that you would find a solution to it. I am uploading the project with the issue in it. Another thing I like to get clarification from you. In some projects , cursor point resembles a comet in stead of Arrow mark. Is there any setting like that in Flipabit? If you have QML code of Calander , plz provide me, as there is no convenient way to move back to past date some years ago, say date of birth in the Flipabit Calander.
Scroll to index 2.flp (20.5 KB)
Scroll to index

Ich verstehe nicht ganz was am ende das Move machen soll. Wenn ich in der Tabelle auf einen Buchstabe klicke bleibt die Tabelle dort wo sie ist?

In manchen Projekten ähnelt der Cursorpunkt einem Kometen statt einem Pfeil. Gibt es eine solche Einstellung in Flipabit?

Soweit wie ich weiß gibt es da keine Einstellung.

Wenn Sie den QML-Code des Kalenders haben, stellen Sie ihn mir bitte zur Verfügung.

Leider habe ich den nicht.

When move button is clicked , the table window shows the first 4 items i.e A to D. The selection undisturbed as you noticed. A move button click scrolls down to W , which is
the first of 4 items and shows only W,X,Y, AND Z. Physically all items before ‘w’ should
be moved up and only the last four items W to Z are to be shown. The reason is that we have selected ‘z’ and table window is showing only 4 items at a time.

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