Combo Box - List from Data file Field

Combo Box - Issues:
I made this project to illustrate the functionality
of combo box to the beginners. The First part to take the default values of index,list and data.
I don’t find any problem in it.As the index starts from zero , I made minor changes to over come it.
The second part takes the list items from the data file, which contains 15 records(rows) and 3 fields(columns).

  1. Is it possible to show index 0, item as Select, and data as 0. In the Combo Box Select an item.
  2. When CB is clicked , item1 , 2, 3 are shown , but not the filed values here names.
  3. When item 2 or 1 is clicked the names start appearing.
  4. In the drop down list, only 12 names are found
    out of 15. Is there any limitation for list items?
  5. When 10th name is selected, then index displays 10 - 1 (May be he index starts from zero)
    Can we rectify it ?
  6. When the selected item serial number exceeds 10
    only the 11th name is displayed.Data 11 and index 10. Why this is so ?
    I request all the forum members to help me in respect of these 6 issues.
    This does not allow me to upload the project file or image.


I can’t help you but you can help me if you want.
I’m trying to link the content of a database to a combobox.
I’m almost there but it doesn’t work.

Can you explain it to me quickly?

Thanks in advance

I had the sample project but I don’t know how to upload the source code. The message box does not allow me to upload the project file.ComboBoxListData fromDB File.flp (74.4 KB)

Thanks a lot.
I will look into this. :+1:

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