hi… noob here. i have a question.
supposed i have 2 table. table 1 named “list of ingredient” with (field1: “ingredient name” (value; “calcium”), field2: “ingredient price” (value; 100) per gram)). and table 2 named “recipes” with (field1: “recipe name” (value; manual input), field2: “ingredient A” (value: taken from table 1. eg; “calcium”), ffield3: “ingredient A weight” (value: 21).
- i want to connect the value of “ingredient A” in table 2 to “ingredient name” value in table 1, or update the value of :“ingredient A” in table 2 based on the value of “ingredient name” in table 1.
- i want to make a calculation (“ingredient A weight” * “ingredient price” per weight) → the value of “ingredient A weight” in table 2 with “ingredient price” in table 2, so i can and put the result in a new list, new DB, or perhaps something else (as long as it’s persistent data) to be used in another calculation.
can anybody show me the way? been searching and tinkering for days and still can’t see a light.
thanks beforehand. namaste _/_
flipabit version: 2.4
*example in excel