Display image based on url


one of the columns in my Google sheet stores the complete (external) url of the images, like https://fietsbieb.be/images/fietsen/brugge/F343.jpg
I can add an image-widget, connect it to the corresponding column if the database. Then the editor shows the image of the first record, what is correct.

But when I run the app (on PC) in preview-mode, no image is shown. Even when I change the record (with an input-field) all the data of that new record is shown correctly, but no image.
(The data is retrieved by a set sql query that works good for text-based data)

Can an image-widget contain a variable URL ?


Who has a solution?

du arbeitest mit google sheets richtig? Und du hast den link in einer Zellen stehen?
Wenn ja. Das hängt mit dem link selbst zusammen. Besser gesagt mit der Endung des Links.

Wenn du möchtest dann sende mal das Projekt.


Due to privacy I cannot add my project here (data contains names, addresses, email,…)

In my google sheet, I have one column “bike-photo” with the full URL as link. (When I click that link from my sheet, the photo is shown).

I think Flipabit converts this link to a simple text-string and the image-widget doesn’t recognize it as a URL.

But when I add a webview-widget with the same column from my google-sheet, I can use an action “set url” and in that webview-widget, the photo is displayed (but doesn’t fit in my small widget).

So maybe I need a workaround to tell the image-widget to accept the data as url and not as straight text.


Dann bereite ein Beispiel Projekt vor und sende das. Ich passe es dann an.

I changed my project and deleted privacy-data in my Google Sheet.

All the data in the Google Sheet comes from a main website of our organisation that has options to export selection of data to Excel-files; I copy-paste those files to my Google Sheet to work with Flipabit.

I added some information about how to test my project on the top of the page.

The action to change the photo in the image-widget is the same action as for changing the other information. It works there, but not for the image-widget

Thanks for helping.

app_onthaal_version_FORUM.flp (3.7 MB)

Hallo, ich habe mir das Project angesehen. Meiner Meinung nach kann das “ImageWidget” den Link nicht ausgeben als Bild. Ich denke das liegt aber am Link selbst.

Wenn ich im “ImageWidget” direkt den einen link aus der DB eingebe funktioniert es auch nicht.

Der link ohne #joomlaImage://… funktioniert.

thanks for the hint concerning the #joomlaImage:// text. So I checked all the URL and it seems that the files are stored under http://fietsbieb.be (so without “www”). A browser can handle this but Flipabit not.
Then (in Google Sheet) I added a column with a formula to delete this www.

In Flipabit, I added an extra text-widget called “fiets_foto_url” that is filled with an action (set query) from the database. The image-widget is then executed with an action (set image) and with parameter the text from the text-widget “fiets_foto_url”. And that works finally with those 2 steps :


Thanks for directing me this way !!


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