Does ProMultitouch support HTML5-Websites?

Hello, The Multitouch is very nice :)! But there are two things i should know. - Does it not Support HTML5-Websites? - I think the Actions dont work. If i open a Widget, i want to Close it automaticly after 30 Seconds. So the Screen went back to the “Page”. What are the Settings for there action?

Yes, our application supports HTML5 (it uses Chromium v40 for HTML rendering). You can add a Web widget and set URL to to see the features available on your system.
You can use low-level User Script feature ( I have attached the script for you. You can adjust the interval variable at line 8.

import QtQuick 2.2

Item {
    function init() { }

    Timer {
        id: closingTimer
        interval: 30000 // Automatic close interval in milliseconds
        onTriggered: block.actionToggleMaximize()

    Connections {
        target: block
        onEventExpandedBlock: closingTimer.start()
        onEventUnExpandedBlock: closingTimer.stop()

To set the user script to the block:

  1. Select the block.
  2. Open Inspector.
  3. Open the Interaction tab.
  4. Press the Edit button.
  5. Copy/paste the code into the User Script Editor window.
  6. Close the User Script Editor window to apply the changes.
    We are planning to add the documentation for the User Script feature, however this is not available in the short-term.

THX for your Quickresponse and your help!

  1. I got it, it doesn’t support “Pop-Ups”?

  2. Wow perfect! Thanks you so much!

  3. Is there a way, to put in space between PDF-Pages in the PDF widget?

Pop-ups are currently disabled. We are going to add the option to open pop-ups in the same view to the next build.
We do not expose such options yet, but, you can use the follow the User Script:

import QtQuick 2.2

Item {
    function init() { applyPdfSettings() }

    function applyPdfSettings() {
        if (block.subItem) {
            block.subItem.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit; // May be you need custom fill mode as well. If no - just delete this line.
            block.subItem.pdfViewerListView.spacing = 10; // Space between pages in pixels

    Connections {
        target: block
        onSubItemUpdated: applyPdfSettings()

If you need to combine the code with the previous one, here you go:

import QtQuick 2.2

Item {
    function init() { applyPdfSettings() }
    function applyPdfSettings() {
        if (block.subItem) {
            block.subItem.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit; // May be you need custom fill mode as well. If no - just delete this line.
            block.subItem.pdfViewerListView.spacing = 10; // Space between pages in pixels

Timer {
    id: closingTimer
    interval: 30000 // Automatic close interval in milliseconds
    onTriggered: block.actionToggleMaximize()

Connections {
    target: block
    onEventExpandedBlock: closingTimer.start()
    onEventUnExpandedBlock: closingTimer.stop()
    onSubItemUpdated: applyPdfSettings()

If you do not need a custom fill mode, then delete the first line in the “if (block.subItem)” statement, as it commented in the code.

  1. Sadly, the script doesn’t work L There no space between the Pages.

You are right.

The correct code for current public release is:

import QtQuick 2.2

Item {
    function init() { applyPdfSettings() }

    function applyPdfSettings() {
        if (block.subItem) {
            block.subItem.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit; // May be you need custom fill mode as well. If no - just delete this line.
            block.subItem.member_pdfViewerListView.spacing = 10; // Space between pages in pixels

    Connections {
        target: block
        onSubItemUpdated: applyPdfSettings()

or (in combination with previous “close in 30 seconds” code)
import QtQuick 2.2

Item {
    function init() { applyPdfSettings() }
    function applyPdfSettings() {
        if (block.subItem) {
            block.subItem.fillMode = Image.PreserveAspectFit; // May be you need custom fill mode as well. If no - just delete this line.
            block.subItem.member_pdfViewerListView.spacing = 10; // Space between pages in pixels

    Timer {
        id: closingTimer
        interval: 30000 // Automatic close interval in milliseconds
        onTriggered: block.actionToggleMaximize()

    Connections {
        target: block
        onEventExpandedBlock: closingTimer.start()
        onEventUnExpandedBlock: closingTimer.stop()
        onSubItemUpdated: applyPdfSettings()

Sorry for the inconvenience.
I am sure, this code should work for you.

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