Error! Print "Action" option not working on Android?

Error!! Print “Action” option not working on Android? Is there an alternative like sharing a picture of the items on the displayed page at least??

Why is there no explanation on how to print or share selected items or text fields in the Android app? It is important for the development of this platform?

Why is there no explanation on how to print or share selected items or text fields in the Android app? It is important for the development of this platform ?

I haven’t particularly tried out the print function, but to share text from say, a text widget named “Weather Text” to existing android apps using a button, you can use the action below:

The output should be something like a Sharesheet which looks like this:

Additionally, to share contents to more specific apps, you can also adopt any of the url schemes highlighted in this post.

Hope this helps.

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What you say is true regarding texts, but I want to share all the elements on the screen that contain images or convert them to PDF. Is there a way?

Technically, there is.

The actions: “Project > Save as Image” (saves a screenshot of current page to your document folder) and “Project > Share file” (shares specified file by directory) spaced at a short delay time should do.

But it doesn’t seem to work; particularly the last action which apparently is unable to pick and share a file from the specified directory (assuming the URL input is the specified file by directory).

Perhaps @Michael can help.

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True, I hope he can help me with that, especially if he can share the file as a PDF on the Android system??

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