Error “Scroll To Index” event does not work
When selecting a field in a table so that its selection is maintained when scrolling down or up, as it contains more than 20 fields, and I want the scroll to move directly to the selected item, but that does not happen. What is the solution?
You had better upload ur project file so that counter part , who likes to solve your problem can understand your intention and program logic. Then , it becomes convenient to them to provide solution , immediately.
Dear yasser163!
Here is the solution to ur issue.
Scroll to Index.flp (55.6 KB)
If you clearly mention the purpose of using this action with your project , I will try find solution .It may be useful to other members also.
It does not work as in the video where I selected the last field in the table, but when I scroll up and press the button, it does not scroll to the last field and show it
Try to understand the note given below . when enter index value 4 , the table item represented by index four does not come up. Observe index and value on right of the
table .They show index 4 and the value corresponding to index 4 is 5 are shown. Index value starts from zero. a- 0,b-1,c-2,4-3,5-4 so, index 4 and its value in the table is 5 . you can find them on right side. enter 2 as index , you get C and so on.
I don’t have a problem with the index. My problem is with the scrolling. When I press the button, it doesn’t scroll to the previously selected index.
what you exactly want is not clear from the information provided,It is like catching black cat in the dark . upload your project and specify what button action you require. Then it becomes easier to one who likes to solve your issue.Scroll to index action logically moves the pointer to that particular index , that is all. When you want to pick up an item in the table , there are two ways. 1. Move to that item by scrolling the table items and click on an item for selection for further action. 2. Use table filter by field to scroll to that required item and then click the item for further action on it.
Here is an example project, study it , may be helpful to you. Otherwise upload ur project as mentioned earlier.Scroll to index and Action Delay.flp (20.4 KB)
Maybe catch the cat easier
Explanation First, disable “auto index” and go back and select the last field, then scroll back up while keeping your previous selection of the last field. Now press the button to move the scroll to the index selection
That’s it