Filter table from combo box

I am having a problem in an app that I am working on.
I have a combo box that is not connected to a database, to which I have given a list of values to choose from.
Beneath it there is a table connected to a database. The database has 2 columns and 63 rows. The first column has the same values as the list of my combo box.
What I need is to choose a value from the combo box and get the table filtered by that value and show the corresponding value from the second column.
The problem is that when I choose a value in the combo box, sometimes the table shows nothing and some other times keeps showing the same value no matter what I choose in the combo box.
I will upload my file, although it’s in Greek and I don’t know how much will help.

Can you please help me?
Thank you.

ComboBox doesn’t update after index (10)
I have reported this bug before and never had an answer yet. I noticed that when the combo box has more than 11 values, it always shows the value of index 10 when changing to any grater index.
I hope I get some explanation about this problem.

Thank you for the update. I thought I was doing something wrong. I hope we get a fix on this bug.

I tried to fix the issue mentioned in my original message by changing the combo box to a table that gets the values I want from a database. The second table gets its values from the same database and is set to show only the data from the second column. Both tables are set as Text Grids.
I have assigned an action to the first table so whenever the value in it changes, the second table will display the corresponding value.
The only problem is that whichever value I choose in the first table, the second table doesn’t show the value from the same row but the one from the next row.
Any ideas how to fix it?

I can’t tell you for sure. But this usually happens when setting “table 2” index from “table1” row id

Thank you Anessi. I will look into it.

Anessi thank you for the tip. I got it working at last.
Now another question. How do I set up a button to open and play a Google Drive video?
It’s the final step of my project, so…
Thanks again.

I’ve never worked with video files before, but I’m pretty sure there are some topics related to this.
Good luck.

Hello again. I 've finally managed to finish my app but I have the following problem.
On one of the pages of the app I have a table that shows images selectivelly based on the values chosen in another table on the same page. Originally I set up this table as a photo grid but when I installed the app on my phone the table was not visible. I changed the set up to a text grid but the table is still not visible when the app is installed.
The funny thing is that in the preview of Flipabit everything works fine.
Any ideas on how to solve this?

Sounds like a database bug to me. Tables are connected to a database, and if your database is not correctly saved, nothing will show up. Is it a local database ? An online one ? Is it used elsewhere, so you can check if it is saved correctly ?

Also, are your images saved inside of the app ? Usually, I have somewhere in my app a hidden “assets” image object, that stores all the images for me, so they are incorporated inside the final apk file.
Because, if your database stores images with links like C://MyComputer//etc, they will not be incorporated inside the final app even if on your computer it works fine. They must be used by some object permanently, or stored in a database with their name (something like 6bf86937.svg), everything that is not used in the app will not be exported.

Hope it helps you…

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