I want to read files from specific folder

as i like your designer very much. but my requirement is that i want to assign video gallery to a folder in the computer and image gallery to a folder in the system and pdf gallery to a folder in the system. is this possible with your app. please let me know . if your software meet this i will purchase your software. early reply is highly appreciated.

Could you please provide some additional details for what you are trying to achieve?
Do you need to make a playlist of videos or pictures?
Or read a specific folder when you start the presentation?

thanks for the reply. yes want to read files from specific folder , say i have 3 folders like

  1. Images
  2. Videos
  3. Documents

each folder i put related content and want to assign it to gallery in the promultitouch designer and user when run app will see all images inside images folder and all videos in videos folder either next back system or all apear in list box and when click on any video it plays , similarly for documents.


I very much would like to find out if supported and how to do this.

Really interesting.
Can you tell us how to create an audio ( media) player with playlist from a folder or a list of urls?


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