Images from Google sheets not showing

I am trying to learn making an app from your tutorial ( ), with this google sheet
No image is showing on app.
I tried to put link to image and image on google sheet but no success so far.
Please help.

В видео примере используется ссылка на общедоступное изображение.
Изображения в самой таблице не грузятся.

The video example uses a link to a publicly available image.
The images in the table itself do not load.

…and what is the solution ? How can I use images on creating app ?
None of tutorials ways work. One or two of images I use are stored in my google drive and shared to all.
I put in first cell image from… also not working.


гугл диск не дает прямого доступа к изображению

Google Drive does not provide direct access to the image

Probably but what about images from my google drive ? I repeat what I say early, I tried with images from different location without success…
In this case please give me a image or link to a image that will work .
Seems that Flipabit needs some future rapairs because it has errors …
Maybe some people from development team could help me but from what I can see they are …missing…and for what reason I must pay for this software !?

I had the same issue here, but it is not a problem on flipabit. Its something related with Google Drive.
To solve this issue, follow these steps:

1 - When you copy the image address, it will look like this: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX /view?usp=drive_link

2- Replace the link above with this one, where the “XXXX” content is found between d/ and /view on the first link. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

3- Instead of use the first link on your table, use the second one.

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