Insert an image inside Listview control

Hello everyone,

I would like to create a four-options choice in my app (for difficulty) with corresponding icons. Of course, only one of the four possibilities can be chosen, so instead of creating four buttons and adding actions to unselect on when an other is pressed, I used the Listview control, and inside the “list” data I wrote :


But when I try to build my app, it keeps failing (and it took me a very loooooong time to find out where that came from, because there is no error log !). Why ? What am I doing wrong ? And, how can I do for this problematic ?

It’s not clear what exactly is not working for you?
Upload the project or part of it

Hello Vladimir,

Sorry but I can’t upload my project file, it just fails when I try to upload it.

Here is a screenshot of what I want to do : 4 levels of difficulty.

And here is how I do so : I add a “Listview” control and type the name of the image inside the data, followed by “^^” to skip a line :

Of course, aside I have an image object nearby with the names of the images :

Everything works fine in the program, but when I try to build the project, it says “Finished with errors”.

What am I doing wrong ? How can I create something like that, will I be forced to use 4 buttons with actions to unselect one when an other is selected ?

Thanks by advance.

Oh, looks like I found the explanation ! Apparently, the problem was the names I gave to the images. I tried without rename then, and I works ! French is no good for programmation indeed…

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