Installation error .apk to my phone

I can’t install the flipabit_2.3.0223.22.apk app on my Poco X3 NFC phone. The assembled application is also not installed. After installation on the phone, the message: “The application is not installed.” What could be the problem?

If you have a previous version installed then uninstall it first. What android version do you have?

11, the previous version was also not installed, the same error

Android studio emulator android phone. Not work

What architecture is used on the emulator? That APK file will only work on armv7 or arm64, not on x86

poco x3 - Aarch64
old emulator (video) - x86 (Android 10.0)
the error is exactly the same.
now I will install a new arm64-v8 emulator (Android 11.0 (GoogleAPIs)), and check what happens.

And what about this problem? Now not installed apk in smartphone with android ver. 11… how solvers this problem?

It’s fixed now. Rebuild your app and try to install.

I installed Apktool M on my phone, signed the application file, and then I was able to install it. But now another problem has appeared: it is impossible to log in to the Cloud in the application.

It’s also fixed now. Thank you for the reporting.

Excellent works!!! Thank’s

Thank you! Set without problems, I can’t complete the authorization - after entering the password “OK” is not pressed. What could be the problem?

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