Login system using Google Sheets database

At the moment I’m stuck on trying to make a login system that validates the login info (email and password) and goes to page 2 if it is successful. Basically, how do I make it so that it reads the emails and passwords in the google sheet and goes to the next page if the inputs in the email & password text fields match? Thank you so much!

It is not safe. Anyone with a link to the Google Sheets table will see all the passwords.

  1. You need to connect your Google Sheet to this service https://sheetdb.io/ first.
  2. Then enable Basic Authentication:

Done. How can I integrate this API into my desktop app to verify the email and password input? I’m familiar with the “actions” panel but I’m not very familiar with the JavaScript I would probably need. Thanks so much!

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Here is the working example: login_using_googlesheets.pma (19.4 KB)

Google Sheet table should have the following fields: email and password

  1. Setup Httprequest 1 widget:

  2. Replace url:

  3. online password widget is connected with the password database cell


Thank you so much, got it working thanks to you! I appreciate this program so much, cheers.

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