Hier mal ein Mail Formular mit Funktionen. Wer Fragen hat kann gerne schreiben.
Mail.flp (1.3 MB)
Very excellent project, you have done. you put a great effort on this, I know.If it is possible to you to make one shot projects on widgets and its functionality, please do it and upload daily. It becomes a royal way to explore the great features of Flipabit Application and to help our new and existing members at large. If you have English version of this project,plz, provide me .
In data base settings, Translation tab is there.Do you know about its use? plz upload an example project.
from your project, what i understand is that you have used column layout, and added all necessary widgets and actions. I don’t have any idea of layouts. could you plz, add your explanation , taking 3 or 5 widgets and set them in a particular layout in different steps. the layout group is on left. and all widgets are scrolling on page.It is very curious thing to know.
Hallo, möchten Sie wissen wie alle Widgets scrollen?
yes, I want to know how to set widgets in column lay out. plz , show all steps taking five different widgets with layout.
Anbei der Link zum Download.
Hello !
I have enclosed this project for the purpose of neat layout. Plz, First one is txt-hdr is the page heading , that is placed in the top center of the lay out. All TF-l,n,cf,f,h are for
data entry purpose, so they are placed below the pg header, following them Button-Median. Txt-ans is to display the working and solution steps one by one. It may be right side of TF-Widgets, if the layout is for laptop, If the layout is similar to your mail project layout, Txt-ans widget is below the button, and it should be scrollable.
I hope my request would be considered favourably. I prefer two layouts with the same widgets.
Median formula -Calculation.flp (7.6 KB)