Hi everyone,
I’m doing an IOT application to manage all my smart home automation stuff with a nice dashboard.
My setup is mainly built around MQTT and NodeRed; as “middlewares” between all my connected devices (switches, light bulbs, voice applications, sensors with batteries whom I would like to get alerts when they are approaching EOL, etc…)
I built some APIs for allowing Flipabit interacting with my devices. I can send commands, get them exectued and receive a feedback to display the corresponding status image on Flipabit. (ex: get status of a light switch when I power it ON or OFF)
The problem is that I need to use infitinte loops (repeats) in Flipabit to refresh my dashboard with the latest status of my devices.
Sending the orders and get a synchronous execution feedback through an API is fine when actions are initiated from Flipabit.
But I also need Flipabit to be permanently aware of the status of all my devices to always display an up to date state. (because manual actions can also come externally from Flipabit; so I need my application to be aware of new status resulting from these “external” actions)
Is there something already available that could help me ?
Are there plans to inplement a MQTT client in Flipabit ? (would be great !)
Maybe could I try to “detect” people around the tablet I will run the application on, by using the camera ? Then I could trigger data refresh; whe the user is in front of the tablet. But is that feasible ? I had no uccess when trying to use the camera widget to trigger actions at the moment
Another not related question: is there a way to have simple shapes (squares, lines, circles, rectangles, triangles, etc…) in Flipabit ?
Thank you very much for your feedback
Best regards