Network requests and replies

Hi guys! where network requests docs)?

A guide to work with network requests and responses

its possible real time request?

If you describe your task in more detail, I will be able to find an appropriate example.

Thanks for your reply. I do not understand how to send a request in real time. For example - a window opens that displays photos. These photos are stored on my server. The pictures are dynamic and can change, so I can not create a local database because the data is dynamic. I need that when opening a window the application sends a request to my server and receives this data. I read that I can use javascript or XMLHttpRequest, but I do not understand how to send http request using this.

Please, I will be happy with any advice

The simplest way is to use Google Sheet for creating online table with text, images and videos hosted on Google Drive or Dropbox.

See this video of how to connect Google Sheet

To automatically receive updates add following script. It will check updates every 10 seconds.

import QtQuick 2.5

Item {
    Timer {
        interval: 10000
        running: true
        repeat: true
        onTriggered: widget.scriptAdaptor.actionUpdateDatabase()

When installed on an Android mobile device, the update from Google sheets does not work

It works.

Since version 1.9, Table widget require connected group:

To see changes you need to connect your own Google Sheet link.

See the updated example: googlesheet_autoupdate_1.9.pma (471.3 KB)

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