On table Horizonal orientation getting product name on a text

Hello Everyone,

I am new on flipabit.So I need your help

In my project,i use a table,card layout,and horizontal orientation.There will be one picture on the screen.Is there a way to get the picture’s text on the screen?(i know we can show one text on card layout,but i need it in a text box to use another action)

Not by clicking on it.When i scroll the picture and when new picture come to screen,can i get its row id(or name or price) to another text box?

I can do it by clicking on it by using current index change.But i want to do that way.
Note:I use google sheets.

Thanks in advance.


Прикрепите Ваш проект / Attach your project

This is a bug. Add the following code to your table widget:

import QtQuick 2.12

Item {
    Timer {
        running: true
        onTriggered: {
            if (contentUi.p_photoViewComponentLoader.item.p_gridView.highlightRangeMode == GridView.StrictlyEnforceRange)
                contentUi.p_photoViewComponentLoader.item.p_gridView.highlightRangeMode = GridView.StrictlyEnforceRange
        repeat: true


You can also share your project and I’ll fix it for you.

@Michael @Vladimir_PV Hello again.I couldnt upload the file it says you are a new user.

You can see the project at the attachment.


What is not working for you?

On the products screen,when i scroll the product i wanted to change the text if it is possible.

Not by clicking on it,when it the product comes to screen.

I will use the text on the next page

Here is the fixed project file deneme_fixed.pma (556.5 KB)

I added this code On table Horizonal orientation getting product name on a text - #3 by Michael

thank you very much.it works

Hello Michael,

On this project when i quit from that page,photos goes to start(goes on top)When i re-enter,I wantted to see last shown picture.

I tried to scroll current index action but i couldnt do it.Could you pelase help?

Thanks in advance

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