Onscreen keyboard


I have an application that has a form entry and a couple of web browsers. However, when I touch the screen to either enter text into the form, nothing happens, same goes for when I am navigation a browser, if I try to enter fields in a browser nothin happens.

Is there a way to automatically bring up the keyboard when text entry fields are interacted with. Something like the default windows onscreen keyboard.

This is quite an emergency.

hi Michael and team can you please let me know if this feature can be implemented. I think it is a very important feature that the app detects a text entry and automatically brings up the system keyboard to type, including being able to type into web browsers within the app.

Almost all apps in the market allow for the use of the system keyboard.

Hi Michael and Team, still waiting for an update to this. This is a really important feature, as I have a client that plans to build a dairy, with maybe over 100 text entry fields, and its really not feasible to have a 100 separate keyboards.

It will be easier just to have the app using the system keyboard. Almost all apps make use of this, so not sure why its so hard for Flipabit to incorporate it.

Вы можете загрузить Ваш проект? Я проверил, у меня все работает
Can you upload your project? I checked, everything works for me

Hi Vlad, please find attached a simple page that has a web browser set to the homepage of google. Please try and enter text into the search field, NOT using your computer’s physical keyboard.

Maybe try this on a windows device using a touchscreen and let me know if you are able to enter text into the search field using the windows system keyboard.webbrowser entry.flp (5.0 KB)

Я думал вы про эту клавиатуру пишите…
I thought you were writing about this keyboard…


В любом случае Вы можете создать собственную версию клавиатуры.
In any case, you can create your own version of the keyboard.

Если Вы создаете программу для устройства на Windows без клавиатуры (сенсор), то вам нужно настроить вывод экранной клавиатуры.
If you are creating a program for a Windows device without a keyboard (touchscreen), you need to configure the on-screen keyboard output.


Hi Vlad,

My windows keyboard is configured to the settings mentioned in your screenshot. However, it still doesn’t show when the flipabit app is opened. Hence I cannot type into a browser in it.

Can you please guide on how to create my own version of the keyboard.

An auto popup of the keyboard is really important for the app I’m working on, as this includes alot of web browsers and not being able to enter text into these is a big drawback.

Thank you for all your help.

Странно, но у меня не получается перехватить клик по полю input.
@Michael помогите решить проблему.
Я не могу получить тип элемента

It’s strange, but I can’t intercept a click on the input field.
@Michael help me solve the problem.
I can’t get the element type

document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
            // Получаем элемент, на который был произведен клик
            const target = event.target;

            // Выводим информацию о клике
            alert('Вы кликнули на элемент:', target);
            alert('ID элемента:', target.id);
            alert('Текст элемента:', target.textContent);

web.flp (18.0 KB)

Hi @Vladimir_PV @Michael still waiting for an update on this, need this feature urgently, please help.

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