Query field issue


I’m trying to add a photo url to my favorite table. I’ve added the query field with the constant being image (description in the table) and property being workout table with current photo but it doesn’t add the photo url to the favorite table.


table for photo url

Thanks in advance for the help.

Загрузите проект.
имена используемых БД
на какой странице происходит действие

Upload the project.
names of the databases used
what page does the action take place on?

HealthStarFitness3.flp (2.2 MB)

Database name: Favorite Workouts
Page: Workouts Youtube

Thanks for the help.

HealthStarFitness3_tem.flp (2.2 MB)

Thanks for the help. Is there a way to pull in the image jpg from the workouts database to the favorites workouts with the query field action?

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From the nutrition youTube page, I would like to add the image jpg from the nutrition database to the favorite nutrition database when I select add to favorites. I would also like to do the same with the workout youtube page. Add the image jpg from the workout database to the favorite workout database when I select add to favorites on that page. It worked on the nutrition youtube page until today and I didn’t make any changes on that page. Thanks for any help.

HealthStarFitness3_tem_2.flp (2.2 MB)
У Вас в программе слишком много лишних компонентов
You have too many unnecessary components in your program

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Thank for your help.

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