Replacement for list from data

Hello flipabit community,

I am rather new here but I like to thank you upfront for this great platform and help you already offered with all the great content out here.

I just started using flipabit and went through the video instructions, offered by flipabit. At some point it is necessary to get data into a list. I used the same way to access the data and the same code for the replacement pattern as suggested here: “How To Make an iPhone Weather App - Lesson 2 - Connecting to Data”. However, the content in the list doesn’t change. It always only shows what is written in the List field of the widget. Plus, I recognised something wired. When I use a listview and connect it to data and put (for example) %%pressure%% into the replacement pattern box, it changes the value of “Index” from 0 to the value from data, like 1018.00.

What shall I do to ensure that the replacement code replaces the text (witch is then also shown in the listview-widget) not the value of the index of that widget?

I hope anyone can help and if needed I would be happy to follow up with more details or information.

Wish you all a pleasant day :blush:

This is a bug. We will fix it quickly.

Thank you for the reporting.

thanks for your quick response, Michael. I assume that will be done with the next update to a new version of the flipabit app. So, how long might this take? And is there a workaround to make it work with lists or something similar?

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