Sensor Functionality

Hello everyone,

I had included some actions in my project to try out sensor functionality on Flipabit.

Added two text fields for obtaining latitude and longitude (as project changes) from
Project>property>project>Sensors>GPS>(latitude or longitude in each case).

I added a button to enable GPS when pressed.

And I checked the GPS sensor under the Sensors Tab.

On testing on a device, text fields do not return any updated latitude and longitude value (default is zero for each).

The device has location on the list of permissions but says “never used”. And compared to other location-based apps, the location icon (on status bar) never comes up when it’s in use.

From my little understanding, if location appears on a device’s list of permissions, then the right permission access was declared in the manifest file; and I assume the right “uses feature” would also be present in the manifest file right?

In summary, my rough guess is app has access to location (by permission) but is not using the sensor, and I don’t know why.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Hello everyone,

I would really appreciate any help on the aforementioned.

A core part of my project is heavily dependent on this, and I also observed same issue when trying out other sensors.

In summary, does the sensor functionality on Flipabit work practically, or is there a bug therein that requires fixing?

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