Show image in one table cell


in my google sheet, one of the columns contains an icon (= image), but this is not displayed in the field of my table-widget (and also not in the “edit data” from the database tab)




As it is part of a table where each line can be selected to show the detail-screen, I don’t think it’s possible to add a separate image-widget that scrolls together with the table-widget.

Is this possible within Flipabit? This could be used to show a “favorit”-icon next to a table-row.
Thanks for helping.


Could you share your google sheet document. Two rows are enough. I will check it.


as my GS contains some confidential info, I made a simple copy :test_flipabit_table_images - Google Sheets

  • the first row contains the images that are not displayed in Flipabit
  • the next rows contain characters that look like the icons in the first row. That works in Flipabit, but I have to figure out how to add none/one/both characters in front of the name-field AND keep the alignment (except by changing the font to a monospaced-font like CourierNew). I couldn’t find an option in Flipabit to adjust the cell-width of a multi-column-table widget to put the three fields (icon1, icon2, name) in three columns where the first and second column are very small.


Formulas only work in the Google Spreadsheet Editor. This does not work when integrating data into third party applications.

When exporting to csv, the fields with the image are empty:

You can check it yourself:

If I replace the formula with an image link everything works fine:

Thanks for helping; I will try this further.

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