I really would like a Soundsensor widget. This would be useful for audiorecord apps.
Could you clarify what you mean by Soundsensor?
To measure the input level of a microphone in decibel (e.g on a smartphone)
PS:An audio record widget with which you can control the input level would be ideal in order to be able to record live concerts without clipping.
The possibility to trim or cut audio files, an equalizer or various effects such as hall, delay, pitch, speed would also be useful for audio apps. I know there are many wishes. If there was a possibility to create extensions for this platform I would also become active myself. So I am examing QtQuick right now.
I’ve been creating android apps with Appinventor and Kodular for 4 years and, among other things, programmed an extension in Java with which I can control the input microphone level. I’m new to IOS and Flipabit but I find this platform fantastic with amazing possibilities. Way better than Appinventor and clones. I’m currently trying to recreate my soundpad (Android) created with Kodular platform