Is there any manual for flipabit? Ok…widgedts are quite clear but even they needs a lot of explanation. What about other language fundamentals?
I am coping with string operations. With httprequest I get a string (actually a CSV string) but when I try to separate it to parts (or check if it includes some data) I can’t find method… Is there any easier solution?
best regards
У программы множество вариантов управления строками, покажите, что Вас интересует
The program has many options for managing strings, show what interests you
I store value into text field. Then I would like to check if string contains some separators…like “;” and move text between separators to another text field. I would also like convert third sign of string into ascii value.
test.flp (6.3 KB)
import QtQuick 2.5
Item {
id: simbb
property string thirdSymbol:""
property string asciiCode:""
property string text: document.childByName("Text 1").content.text
Connections {
target: document.childByName("Button").scriptAdaptor
onEventItemPressed: {
thirdSymbol = text.charAt(2);
asciiCode = thirdSymbol.charCodeAt(0);
document.childByName("Text 1").content.text = text.substring(0, 2) + asciiCode + text.substring(3);