Text Field löschen


wie kann ich mit einem Button den Inhalt von einem Text Field löschen?

clearreset.flp (5.5 KB)

BeautyMore !
Here is the solution to your question (Q .how can I use a button to delete the content of a Text Field?).You have done a good thing that you have uploaded your project along with your issue. Because of this , It is possible for any member to solve your problem instantly.Other benefit is that your project logic will be clear to the solution provider. He need not develop the project from scratch to clear your doubt. I suggest this method to all other forum members. It saves time to solution providers(other members)Text Field Clear
Updated version of your project.
clearreset.flp (5.8 KB)

Vielen Dank funktioniert.

Wie Resette ich eine ListView ?

Anbei das Project:
clearreset.flp (238.7 KB)

Here is solution to the problem of resetting the List View(Question.How do I reset a ListView? ). List view is intended to list of items from a data file ,Which is very long and
scrollable. Like Text Field , we can not deleted the value entered. But the list index can be reset to original , say zero or the list view can be hide or It’s visibility can be toggled.
Usually , It is used as index of products ,When list item is clicked its details are shown in another page. Here, for example sake , it is used to make a list of items selected with Text Widget.
List view - resetting
Updated version of your project.
List view Resetting & list of selected items.flp (239.4 KB)

ich möchte nicht die ListView ausblenden sondern die Markierung (weis) .

mail.flp (841.5 KB)

Now I got your point because of your mail.flp . After selection, when send button is clicked all fields and LV Selected are reset. For Text Field , my previous suggestion holds good. For List View , on button click each list view index is set to -1.This releases the selection.
Here is the updated project.
clearreset LV.flp (238.9 KB)

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