The same font size into many buttons

I have a many buttons.
Into the buttons parameter “Size mode” setted is “Fit” now.

The screenshot:

User in the settings changes himself the all texts.
Аnd his can write 1 word or 5-10 words in each button.

My problem:
I need to make into ALL buttons the SAME font size.
And I need to do it with a script only.

I tried to find out the font size:

var mySize = document.childByName(‘myName’).style.font.size

It didn’t work: returned the font size that is set in the software.
But I need to check the ACTUAL font size from screen…
And will set this size for all buttons.

Can you help me?

The actual font size cannot be obtained. You can create your own button and control the font size. Perhaps this will help qt - Qml Text Size based on Container - Stack Overflow

You can find QML specialists on Fiverr, etc.

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