Hello everyone,
I thought that local database could only be updated by the app user. But here is my problem : I have a database in wich I save the “character stats” : hitpoints, mana, damages, etc. Nothing complicated until there.
Here is my problem : when this database is “local”, nothing is saved ! All my actions “increment value” or “change current field” are not implemented in the database. So when I take damages or use mana, deal damages or something else, it is not saved in the database, and so nothing works in my app.
But if my database is not “local”, all the changes I do when using the app (character stats modifications, damages, etc, everything that works fine when it is not “local”) are not saved after the app is closed. So when I re-open the app, all is gone !
So how can I do for this ? Is it a bug ? What are the specifications of the “local database” ?
Thanks by advance.