What is the right way of using html formated text in Text Widget

Michael and Vladimir_PV Sirs,
Here I faced a peculiar situation. I used two Text Widget in the Navigation bar. I Pasted the html formated text in both. Surprisingly , in one it is working well.But in the second one, It is not working. why it so happens. In the same way , html formatted text with font and style is used in the text widget in the page.First it is not worked. When the program is run , to my astonishment, suddenly colors appeared. When the same widget is imported in another project in other page, it is not working. Plz, help me, what is reason ? and what is the right way of using html formated text in text widget.
empty_38.flp (7.8 KB)


Thank you very much sir, for your quick response! I am trying to explore all possibilities of using this wonderful no code application. I need the support of both of you.in this journey.

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