it seems that I am bad lucky guy with this version of Flipabit, but the animations on widgets seem not work properly. To test it more deeply I have build a simple .pma with two pages. On the first a button to go to the next page. On enter on the page #2 there is an action to set opacity to the text widget. Works only one time. Please take a look. This issue is similar to my previous post about Video widget.
empty_5.pma (5.8 KB)
There is no error or bug here. You need to make the widget transparent again when leaving the second page.
Check this example empty_5_fixed.pma (5.8 KB)
Hello Michael,
Thank you very much.
So, in behalf of posterity, you are saying that is best practice, in those cases when actions are required while “entering” a page, to make always reverse actions to bring widgets at their previous state, before “entering”. On “exiting” it will clear all.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I remember that previous version of flipabit (and even before when it was ProMultitouch Designer), there was no need to do this.
Anyway, thank you again for support.