Launching flipabit files

Wow - that’s excellent - we can make loads of good stuff with After Effects!! So its a B&W transition sequence of images? So if I make another folder in the same directory, with my own anims, this will become available in the dropdown?
Or will I just have to overwrite ‘arrows’ ?

Yes, its a B&W transition sequence of images. You need to replace one of the existing folder.

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As I work on the project and learn, questions come to me - should I just ask them in this thread or create new threads? what’s your preference?

You can keep using this thread or PM for sensitive data.

BTW - I just tested the project on the 75Inch Touchscreen and it works great! I’m very glad as Ive been looking for a solution for this for a few years now!!!

I have a question about the possibility of creating a ‘screen saver’ that will run if the touchscreen has not been interacted with for a determined length of time. Is this something you cover in any tutorials? Is it ‘easy’??

It’s simple:



Sample file screensaver_example.pma (90.9 KB)

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This looks promising!! So presumably I could run a video file as a screensaver?
UPDATE: I have got a video to work as a screensaver

I understand you are probably busy, I wondered if you had any idea how to create the parallax effect with an image, so that it ‘links’/connects to the horizontal scrolling effect of the group [ only that it doesn’t scroll as fast, or it scrolls throughout its own width, whatever that may be ]

Here is the video: link

Sample project: scroll_parallax.pma (297.7 KB)


import QtQuick 2.5

Item {
    property real contentX: groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition
    property real speed: 0.05
    onContentXChanged: document.childByName("Group 5").contentX = groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed
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Michael, again thank you so much!!! This is exactly what I was hoping to achieve. I will implement this into the project.

This is obviously a code writing solution, and one that I would have struggled to achieve, personally. Do you think this sort of thing will ever make it into the software as a built in feature/visual effect? Is it worthy of that sort of ‘attention’? or not?

Yes, we plan to add this in the next version.

I tried it out [I’m at home, so not on the real project] and all works - I tried to ‘customise’ the code to allow for a second level of parallax ie. an extra layer ‘between’ the background and the ‘objects’, that i would set at a different speed.
But I realised pretty quickly that its not quite as easy as that. Coding is not something Ive learnt much, but i realised that contentX and speed were variables? that had been defined, so couldnt be just used again for nanother layer??? I’m a bit out of my depth here :smile:

import QtQuick 2.5

Item {
   property real contentX: groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition
   property real speed: 0.05
   onContentXChanged: document.childByName("Group 5").contentX = groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed
Item {
   property real contentX: groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition
   property real speed: 0.4
   onContentXChanged: document.childByName("Group 6").contentX = groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed
} ```

But thats nice news that its a potential future feature - It is a nice visual feature for sure

actually - parallax for scrolling down is really good as well, as on many websites
Multi layer parallax is definitely good

Earlier today I introduced Flipabit to another colleague and she is excited to start developing another project for our touchscreens. As I said before, we had been looking for a solution for a long time, something that met our needs as designers, but not coders. I had tried flipabit before, when it was promultitouch, however it didnt really ‘click’ with us at that time, and we have been looking in all sorts of directions.
I think what has made the difference is having some things explained and shown as to how simple it can be - so all I can say is thank you for that. We have appreciated this so much! The little you have shared has opened many possibilities up to us.

I feel that if there were a video/videos that went through the various events and actions and what they meant and possible use-case-scenarios, this would be greatly helpful for many potential users. I can see that there are so many actions and when you highlighted the ‘inactivity’ feature for creating a timed ‘screensaver’ - it shows that people need to be ‘walked through’ the steps - I just wouldn’t have figured that out in a long while

I appreciate that theres only so much a few people can do - however, I await eagerly video tuts or even a PDF that covers the actions and one or two possible use cases for each.

again thanks Michael
its good software - and nice UI too :slight_smile:

import QtQuick 2.5

Item {
   property real contentX: groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition
   property real speed: 0.05
   property real speed2: 0.15
   onContentXChanged: {
      document.childByName("Group 5").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed
      document.childByName("Group 6").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed2
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and presumably, with this ‘formula’ i could have many other layers of parallax if wanted - by following the same ‘steps’


Item {
   property real contentX: groupFlickable.visibleArea.xPosition
   property real speed: 0.05
   property real speed2: 0.15
   property real speed3: 0.25
   property real speed4: 0.35
   property real speed5: 0.45
   onContentXChanged: {
      document.childByName("Group 5").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed
      document.childByName("Group 6").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed2
      document.childByName("Group 7").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed3
      document.childByName("Group 8").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed4
      document.childByName("Group 9").contentX = contentX/(1-groupFlickable.visibleArea.widthRatio)*speed5


Yes, everything is correct

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hooray - I’m officially a programmer!

While we are working on new content, you can suggest your topic for tutorials. It can be an existing app, animation on Dribbble, video on Youtube, etc.

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small feature suggestion - the ability to increase the text size in the text editor, as its very small - maybe with 3 different size increments - my eyes are getting a bit challenged! :grin:


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